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Baptism is the sacrament that welcomes all into our Catholic Christian community.


Guidelines for preparation:

Prior to the baptism of their infant children, the parents are required by the church to attend a preparation course.

First Communion

First Communion and Reconciliation (Confession) normally take place in the Second grade.


All children preparing for these two sacraments need to work with their CCD instructor and the Pastor for their preparation.


Children older than the second grade will also work with their CCD instructor and the Pastor.


Adults will attend RCIA classes.


Children will receive their first reconciliation when they receive their first communion.


All others need to meet with the pastor to receive reconciliation.


Those who are on the journey towards Confirmation and full invitation into the Catholic Church will need to attend:


Children will need to attend CCD Grades 9 & 10.


Adults will need to attend RCIA.


After completion of the classes, the Pastor will schedule the sacrament during the Easter season. 


The marriage covenant, by which a man and woman form with each other an intimate communion of life and love is very sacred.


Each couple is required to attend a six month preparation class before the wedding.


See the Pastor for complete details

Anointing the Sick

At Sacred Heart, we offer two masses for the anointing of the sick. (During Advent and Lent)


Individuals may request anointing at any time they feel they need it.


Please contact the Pastor to obtain this sacrament.
(770) 227-2378

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
1323 MacArthur Drive, Griffin GA 30224

Copyright © 2021-2025 by SACRED HEART CHURCH of GRIFFIN. All Rights Reserved.

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